30 September 2017

Vaadin 8 on OSGi

Java 8 - OSGi 6 - Karaf 4 - Vaadin 8


The new Vaadin 8 release comes with improved OSGi integration and promises true dynamic and modular UI development. There is not much information on the net concerning this topic so i created this simple example to get up and running quickly. The service is packaged as a JAR file with a valid OSGi bundle manifest created by the bnd-maven-plugin. All the dependencies of the application are OSGi bundles and get installed on deploy.

For more information about Vaadin OSGi support please visit  https://vaadin.com/docs/framework/v8/advanced/advanced-osgi.html.

The project is published on GitHub: Vaadin on OSGi.
Be aware of issue 10220 on version 8.1.x .

Have fun analyzing.